– Relevance | Empathy | Action | Lifelong Learning –

S.T.A.P.L.E. #3

Greet Students at the Door

Greeting students at the door is an essential first step in setting the tone for positive interaction. Engaging students upon entering the room gives important feedback on a student’s demeanor and how to respond.  Three tips for greeting students include:

  1. Smile – We are naturally drawn to people that smile. Additionally, smiling elevates our mood and reduces stress. 
  2. Make Eye Contact – Looking into your students’ eyes can tell a lot about how they are feeling. 
  3. Nice Notice – Notice something nice about a student and tell them. 

STAPLE Content Documents

M3CD - Greet Students at the Door
click on the either image to download the pdf



STAPLE Instructional Video

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Supporting a Holistic Learning Environment