– Relevance | Empathy | Action | Lifelong Learning –

S.T.A.P.L.E. #8

Start Each Day with a Clean Slate

Often, it is difficult for teachers to release the feelings and emotions of a rough day with challenging students. A clean slate can ensure relationships are the focus rather than building hostility for previous wrongdoings.  Three ways to clean the slate daily include:

  1. Forgiveness – Forgiving allows us to be at peace with ourselves and those who wronged us. 
  2. Forget – Specifically, do not hold a grudge. Not forgiving = not forgetting. 
  3. Move On – Focus on the future and the opportunity for a positive change. 

STAPLE Content Documents

M8CD - Clean Slate
click on the either image to download the pdf



STAPLE Instructional Video

Community Resources

Supporting a Holistic Learning Environment